At the end of last year, I wrote a post about what I’d been up to in the past year. I do this on a monthly basis and a yearly cadence while things are still fresh in my mind. Looking back on the highlights of a year helps to remember what year an event occurred. It’s something I’d recommend to anyone to try.

Rather than writing this post at the end of the year, why not try writing it a few months early? You might have a number of “new years resolutions” from eight months ago that need some reassessment, and now is the time! Go through everything you want to get done before the end of the year and write them down in a post as though you have already done them.
Next, take the next steps to accomplish those tasks. For me, this called out a few things I really wanted to do this year that I haven’t made enough progress on. Cleaning out my garage, getting an iPhone app in the app store and any kind of exercise come to mind. Time to get crackin’ on those!
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