Do you have a story to share? Maybe a question or a comment? If so, I’d love to hear from you.
Just a heads up though:
- I don’t do sponsored posts, paid posts, paid reviews, product reviews, or anything where you want me to be your marketing platform. If you reach out for any of these reasons, I’ll assume you’re OK with a $1,000 cost per post.
- All posts on this blog are written by me now and in the future. Ther e are no guest posts or ghostwritten posts. I don’t pay other people to write posts.
- Good luck on your product, but unless it’s absolutely amazing in the minimalism/mindfulness/financial independence space I’ll skip it. If you’re reaching out about an investing platform or tool – don’t.
If you’re a reader of this blog and have a question, comment, feedback or just want to chat – I’m always down for that! Otherwise if you’re reaching out for business reasons, don’t be offended if I don’t respond.