Finally, it’s time to reveal the real reason I moved across the country and left my job. It’s a big day, and I’m excited to share the news: I’m starting the Minafi Early Retirement Home here in Salt Lake City!

What is an early retirement home? Well, it’s basically the same as a classic retirement home but with a few changes.
1. Life-Threatening Activities
We aim to optimize for fun, life-threatening activities for you to enjoy. Salt Lake City is a hot-bed for people to put their life on the line in a variety of ways including:
- Skydiving
- Hang gliding
- Canyoneering and rock climbing
- Overnight hiking
trips - Mountain biking
- Skiing and snowboarding
Just because you’re retiring early, it doesn’t mean you’ll live to old age. That’s where we come in – doing everything possible to give you chances to live for today (and if you’re lucky tomorrow too). Our motto encapsulates this:
If you don’t die here, you can always move to Australia.
The Minafi ER Community Motto
Ever since moving here a year ago, we’ve seen countless people soaring overhear or whizzing by at dangerously fun speeds. This got us thinking: how can help more people risk their lives?
Just check out this video from one of our happy clients descending after a hike.
The White Coat Investor also understands that importance of challenging yourself today while you can:
Salt Lake City is a wonderful place to be young, and an even better place to be retired young. A lot of the most fun things to do in Utah are much more difficult after traditional retirement age such as backcountry skiing, canyoneering, cycling, mountain biking, rock climbing, hiking, and camping. Retire now while your body can still do all those things!
Jim Dahle, Founder of The White Coat Investor
If you don’t fear for your life at least once, your first month is free.
2. Indoor Activities Millennials Love
You won’t find any bingo here.
Join our POWN folks home, a community of gamers with an ongoing
Google Fiber in every location, complete with 1,000 Mbps speeds! If you want to work from home, there’s no shortage of wifi.
Home theater to showcase the latest movies – like Playing with FIRE.
3. Food & More
Salt Lake City’s food scene is growing! While it still has

The brunch scene here in SLC is on point, with more places than you could try in a year.
The Minafi ER Community also provides a number of events each week that anyone can join.
- Potluck Brunch Sundays – Everyone brings their own dish and join with a mimosa.
- Craft Beer Celebration – Inspired by Mr. 1500’s huge FinCon beer parties, our happy hours are a little different. BYOB and share with others. Maybe even make your own!
Utah also has some weird alcohol laws. Did you know you can’t get draft beer over 4% in the state? While some would call that a stupid Mormon law, we call it a bonus – think of all the money you’ll save by drinking less!
While Nevada and Colorado have passed progressive legislation allowing cannabis to be sold in their states, Utah went another way. We passed a medical marijuana law recently, only to have it (currently) be rewritten by our religious legislature. Again, you’ll save money by only buying from sketchy people in parks – while also supporting local businesses.
4. Bring your own Home (BYOH)
So what does the housing look like? Retirement homes generally are a static location where space is rented out. The Minafi SLC community is a little different.
Rather than all being in the same building, we’re just in the same city. Grab a house, or bring your own. Housing prices are up 15% YoY, as more and more tech companies and young people flock to the city.

While we don’t provide housing, you can just find a place – it’s not that hard.
5. Not Just a Desert
When we first visited Salt Lake City, we had in our heads it was a desert filled with religious fanatics. To our surprise, it’s much more! Just take a look at how many mountains you can reach inside an hour.

Going from the city to a mountain for a hike takes almost no time at all. My
Adam at top of a trail Lake Blanche Adam looking off mountain
The Minafi ER SLC Community goes on a weekly hike out to explore the state. We have a great track record so far with very few hiking-related deaths.
6. The Youngest Big City in the US
You heard that right. Salt Lake City has the youngest population of any major city in the US with a median age of 30.8. One struggle for people when they retire it so find other people around their age to hang out with. If you’re retiring early, why not join a young city?

Sure, one of the reasons why the median age is so young is because we have the 2nd highest fertility rate, but that’s just part of it. Utah has the most people under 18 of any state in the US. If you have kids, that means they’ll have great company. If you’re childfree (like we are) that may seem like less of a draw. Don’t worry though – most kids aren’t out enjoying the nightlife or the
Want to Join?
If you want to join, you can sign up today, and today only! This community closes its doors as of April 2.
We aim to be the best destination for providing for your early retirement needs. Let us know what else you’d want!
What about you? What would you want out of an early retirement community?
I want to move there!!