Yesterday I published An Interactive Guide to Early Retirement and Financial Independence. This post took a long time to write - 6 weeks all told. In this post, I'll dive into why I went this route for this guide.[Read more...] about Why Write An Interactive Guide to FIRE?
The Minimal Investor
[Read more...] about The Minimal Investor
An Interactive Guide to Early Retirement and Financial Independence
This post is an experiment. Imagine a calculator, a choose-your-own-adventure book, a series of interviews & a guide to early retirement and financial independence all rolled into one![Read more...] about An Interactive Guide to Early Retirement and Financial Independence
How to Invest During a Bitcoin Bubble
Don't get swept into the irrational exuberance of a bubble and make a bad investment decision. If you're thinking about investing in bitcoin based on recent spikes, read about what you can do today.[Read more...] about How to Invest During a Bitcoin Bubble
The Simple Three Fund Portfolio at Vanguard
A super simple way to get started investing by walking you through how to create a Vanguard account and setup a three fund portfolio.[Read more...] about The Simple Three Fund Portfolio at Vanguard
How to Choose Between 401k, Taxable and Roth IRA Accounts to Optimize Taxes
The organization of your funds into taxable, tax-efficient and tax-free accounts has a huge impact on your taxes -- potentially costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars.[Read more...] about How to Choose Between 401k, Taxable and Roth IRA Accounts to Optimize Taxes