After two years of early retirement I'm still figuring things out. Here are a few ways this year has been... unique.[Read more...] about Seven Takeaways from My Second Year of FIRE
Financial Independence
“Won’t You be Bored?” Why Creatives Thrive in Financial Independence
Some people claim they'd be bored if they retired. Others have enough activities to be content for a lifetime. What have some people figured out?[Read more...] about “Won’t You be Bored?” Why Creatives Thrive in Financial Independence
Why You Should Create a Local Bucket List
During this crazy year it can be difficult to keep hope alive. By creating a local bucket list you can inspire hope and motivate yourself to accomplish all new things.[Read more...] about Why You Should Create a Local Bucket List
Fill in the Gap Left By Your Job
Are there things about your job you enjoy? Find a way to still enjoy those areas once you stop working.[Read more...] about Fill in the Gap Left By Your Job
Create the Life You Want Today – Don’t Wait!
Don't get sucked into the "I'll do it tomorrow" trap! FI isn't a solution to all of your time management problems.[Read more...] about Create the Life You Want Today – Don’t Wait!
Create A Realistic Path to Financial Independence
Don't go overboard on your pursuit of FI! Set a course that gets you there at a sustainable pace.[Read more...] about Create A Realistic Path to Financial Independence