There is a perception that minimalism means stripping possessions to the bare minimum needed to live. I find this description to be much different to what most minimalists think the term means. Here's my take on the difference between these two terms.[Read more...] about Minimalist are not Nomads, but Nomads are Minimalists
How to Invest During a Bitcoin Bubble
Don't get swept into the irrational exuberance of a bubble and make a bad investment decision. If you're thinking about investing in bitcoin based on recent spikes, read about what you can do today.[Read more...] about How to Invest During a Bitcoin Bubble
Our 7 Rules of Travel Spending
After a decade of traveling together, Mrs. Minafi and I have developed a set of travel rules we unofficially follow. These 7 rules have served us well on dozens of trips.[Read more...] about Our 7 Rules of Travel Spending
Use Savings Rate as a Lifestyle Inflation Canary
By tracking monthly expenses and computing savings rate over time, it can become crystal clear if your finances are moving in the right direction.[Read more...] about Use Savings Rate as a Lifestyle Inflation Canary
The Simple Three Fund Portfolio at Vanguard
A super simple way to get started investing by walking you through how to create a Vanguard account and setup a three fund portfolio.[Read more...] about The Simple Three Fund Portfolio at Vanguard
July / August 2017 Personal Goals & Review
A look at how I did on my July 2017 goals and what new goals I'm making for August. I'm focusing on creating content that encourages active reading.[Read more...] about July / August 2017 Personal Goals & Review